Thursday, December 25, 2008


The mid semester exam for our group registered subject are as follows:

Monday (Jan-05)
12.30 - 2.30 pm
Genetic Disorder
4.00 - 6.00 pm
Pathophysiology of Respiratory System

Tuesday (Jan-06)
12.30 - 2.30 pm
Pathophysiology of Haemopoietic & Lymphatic System

Thursday (Jan-08)
12.30 -2.30 pm
Pathophysiology of Nervous System

Friday (Jan-09)
9.00 - 11.00 am
Pathophysiology of Genitourinary System

Saturday (Jan-10)
4.00 - 6.00 pm
Communicable Disease


Saturday, December 20, 2008


Jap...jap..pakcik nak berfikir jap...hydrocephalus, ICP....zZzz

Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu telah dinanti. Kuiz Pathophysiology of Nervous System pun berlangsung. Rata-rata semua pelajar kelihatan bersungguh-sungguh menelaah pada malam sebelumnya atau pada awal pagi hari itu. Lihatlah betapa khusyuknya mereka menjawab soalan. It's a job well done guys!

Jawab jangan tak jawab.

Dr. Hamid telah mula mengutip kertas jawapan

Baju purple jeling kamera, tudung hitam jeling kertas dia.
Yang penting kena senyum. Huhuhu! Ampun!

Faizul penat sangat studi sampai mengantuk.
Sila mimpikan jawapan.

Friday, December 19, 2008


For all group C, who is confused either we need to drop any subject to prevent from exceeding 18 credit hour, this is the answer from our dean through the SMS:

"18 is maximum credit hour student at MSU supposed to register but in your case more is allowed subject to requirements of the course as long as approved by Dean"

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Pada 17 Disember 2008 bersamaan dengan hari rabu, beberapa ahli group C telah menghabiskan masa selama 1 jam untuk menyediakan pembentangan subjek genetic disorder bertajuk pharmacogenomics di ANNEX 11 (A). Pembentangan ini akan diadakan pada 18 Disember 2008 bersamaan hari khamis. Ini adalah antara beberapa gelagat yang sempat dirakam:

Masing-masing sedang sibuk memindahkan fail maklumat di laptop hafis

Laptop yang berjasa dalam persediaan ini

Perbincangan diantara sebilangan ahli Group C bagi menyediakan pembentangan yang sempurna

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Mean Cell Volume (MCV)

Formula: PCV/Total RBC x 10 fl
Normal rate: 76 - 96 fl
Microcytic: <76 fl
Macrocytic: >96 fl

Mean Cell Haemaglobin (MCH)

Formula: Hb/Total RBC x 10 pg
Normal Rate: 27 - 32 pg
Hypochromic: <27 pg
Hyperchromic: >32 pg

Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)

Formula: Hb/PCV x 100% (g/dl)
Normal Rate: 32 - 35 % (g/dl)
Hypocrhomic: <32 % (g/dl)
Hypermochromic: >35% (g/dl)

PCV: Packed Cell Volume
fl: Femtolitre
pg: Picogram
g/dl: Gram/densi liter

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Each of us responds differently to our environment, to the foods we eat, and to the drugs we take. The way we respond to drugs may mean that a drug that is effective for one person may be less effective for another, or that a drug that is safe for one person may be dangerous for another person—even at the same dosage.

Many drugs are altered by the body by metabolizing them using enzymes. In some cases, an active drug is made inactive or less active through metabolism. In other cases, an inactive or less active drug is made more active through metabolism. The challenge in drug therapy is to make sure that the active form of a drug stays around long enough to do its job. However, some of us have enzymes that are a little different than the “normal” so we may metabolize the drug too quickly or too slowly or not at all — meaning that it may be gone before it has its intended effect, or hangs around too long and may build up beyond safe levels.

Pharmacogenomics is the study of how drugs are metabolized in the body and the variations in the genes that produce the metabolizing enzymes. By studying the genes that produce the specific enzymes that metabolize a drug that is to be prescribed, a doctor may decide to raise or lower the dose, or even change to a different drug. The decision about which drug to prescribe may also be influenced by other drugs the patient is taking, to avoid drug-drug interactions.

Currently, doctors typically prescribe one of several appropriate drugs for their patients. They prescribe a “standard” dose based on factors such as weight, sex, and age, and then adjust the dose over time, depending on whether the patient’s condition is responding to the medication and whether the patient is experiencing unpleasant or dangerous side effects. The concentrations of some drugs are monitored with blood tests and the dosages increased or decreased to maintain the drug level in an established “therapeutic” range. Follow-up of such processes is called “Therapeutic Drug Monitoring.” If the drug is not effective in treating or controlling the patient’s condition, then the patient is given a different drug and the process is started again.

Instead, pharmacogenomics offers physicians the opportunity to individualize drug therapy for patients based on their genetic make-up. For certain drugs, pharmacogenomics is already helping physicians predetermine dosages to have a better chance of achieving the desired therapeutic effect while reducing the likelihood of adverse effects.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Kill! Kill! Kill! (Anti-Kevorkian)

Ya kawan-kawan, sekiranya anda ditakdirkan menjadi doktor suatu hari nanti...sila jangan meniru perbuatan Dr. Maddox di bawah. [Hal ini mengingatkan aku pada suatu cerita tentang makcik HF yang jahat kat HKL, aku cam nak smother je dia ni just to give her the taste of her own medicine. Attitude cam orang zaman batu ---> SOMBONG & BERLAGAK]. Pengecualian diberikan kepada pesakit DNR yang teringin sangat nak berjumpa Maha Pencipta. Tapi this is not the best choice of euthanasia yet! Dr. Kevorkian would agree with me...other acronym to this kind of treatment is AGGRESIVE EUTHANASIA and PILLOW TREATMENT. Enjoy!

So leave your comment or post your opinion at the chat box or comment box below. Hiks!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

MEDICAL SLANGS AND ACRONYMS (Warning: Seriously Funny)

When I was doing my practical as lab technician, there are two stamps used on Hematology Station on test request form to reject the test and requesting the doctor to send new blood sample. One stamp stated “Clotted Blood” and the other “Inssufficient Sample”. Clotted blood usually from failure of the doctor or nurse to invert the tube after obtaining blood sample in a tube with anticoagulant or the blood is too much in ratio to anticoagulant. Insufficient sample in a tube with additives may yield false result especially in biochemistry test due to inappropriate additive to blood ratio. But sometimes the doctors insist to run the test on the same blood sample giving an excuse like difficulty to obtain sample from patient. We as a lab technician have the right to reject the sample because it will give a false result. Then there will be a fight by the time doctors call the lab to ask for result. They demanded the test to be done immediately regardless to their sample condition. What I did is to write in the form to be return to doctor as “Clotted Brain”, “Insufficient Intelligence” as a modification to the above. It is meant to insult the insistent doctor. Only then the doctor will come to the lab with new sample or sometimes an argumentation plan.

I came across this on a website. I don’t recommend you to use it in a real situation to be written in a patient’s file (in the future) because it can be unethical but I think it’s okay to use it in conversation. I might be using some of it in my blog.

It’s kinda funny…tell me which one is your favorite?


CHAOS - Chronic Hurts All Over Syndrome (PTSD/Fibromyalgia, etc.)
DIC - Death Is Coming - colloquial interpretation of the initials for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
LOBNH - Lights On But Nobody Home; stupid.
TEETH - Tried Everything Else, Try Homeopathy
TUBE - Totally Unnecessary Breast Exam
GOMER - Get Out of My Emergency Room; patient, usually poor or elderly, in the emergency room with a chronic, non-emergency condition.
ALS - Absolute Loss of Sanity (nutcase). The real use is Amyothropic Lateral Sclerosis
TMB - Too Many Birthdays: person dying of "old age"
TLC - Tube, Lavage & Charcoal (given to poisoning victim)
TF BUNDY - Totally F*cked, But Unfortunately Not Dead Yet
SAS - Sick As Sh*t
PITA - Pain In The Ass
OBE - Open Both Ends (Diarrhoea and Vomiting)
MIDI - Myocardial Infarction During Intercourse (heart attack during sex)
Hi 5 - HIV positive ("V" being Roman for 5)
HAIRY PSALMS - Haven't Any Idea Regarding Your Patient, Send A Lot More Serum
CFT - Chronic Food Toxicity i.e. obesity
IDK - I Dont Know
DKA – Don’t Know Anything (originally means Diabetic Keto-Acidosis). A signal use between the doctor and med students during patient examination with family presence so the family will not think the med students is stupid.
FOS - Full of S**T (Constipated)
404 moment – On card rounds - when a patient’s medical records cannot be located (from internet error message: 404 Page Not Found)

5-H-1-T - polite medical term for SHIT
3P’s - Pill, Permissiveness and Promiscuity (relates to female patients with sexually transmitted disease).

4F - Fair, fat, female and forty OR fat, forty-ish, flatulent female (both mean abdominal pain patient who is candidate for gall bladder disease)


C/C- "Cancel Christmas" (dead). Normal usage: Carbon Copy
CTD - "Circling The Drain" (expected to die soon)
ECU - Eternal Care Unit - after a patient dies, they "have been transferred to the ECU"

Captain Kangaroo - head of a paediatrics department
Freud Squad - psychiatry department
Slasher - surgeon
Orthopod - orthopedist
Flea - internal medicine doctor
Stream team - the urology service collectively
Baby catcher - obstetrician
Rear Admiral - proctologist
Unclear medicine - nuclear medicine

Oligoneuronia ('few neurons') - stupid, a play on "Oligouria", i.e. not enough urine.
Pneumocephalic - stupid (means 'airhead')
Shotgun labs - to order many labs in the hope that one will be abnormal and give you a clue what is wrong with the patient.
Trauma handshake - n. a digital rectal exam. Every major trauma patient gets one.
Departure lounge - geriatric ward
Vampires - those who take blood samples, e.g. lab techs (also slang for blood donor service)
Scepticaemia - chronic condition suffered by two doctors in a debate over which therapy
Sarcoidosis - an actual disease, but a perfectly acceptable answer that may be included in ANY differential diagnosis

Pot Plant - person in a Persistant Vegetative State (often used in plural to mean coma ward)
Pillow Therapy - describes the urge to smother annoying patient (aggressive euthanasia, tontine treatment).
Mononeuronis Asynapsis - thick (one neuron, not connected!)
Michelin's Disease/Disorder - multiple spare tyres (obese)
Jack Bauer - a doctor still up and working after 24 hours (after character in "24")
God's Waiting Room - intensive care unit and/or geriatric unit
Garden - neurosurgical intensive care ward, so called because of the "vegetables" found there.
Ghost - Derogatory term for med students; they are largely invisible, are absent during difficult situations, silent when asked for volunteers and stealthily evade hard work

GI Rounds - a meal (GI = gastrointestinal)
Double Whopper with Cheese - Obese female with genital thrush
Cabbage - heart bypass i.e. CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graft)
Brothel Sprouts - Genital warts

So ladies and gentlemen. Please comment which one of this is your favorite.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hari ni group C hanya ada kelas patho. genitourinary system yang diajar oleh Dr. Sami di ANNEX 11A(2). Sekali lagi kelas yg sepatutnya kat ANNEX S39 terpaksa ditukar. Semuanya gara-gara kelas tu ketiadaan elektrik. Kelas hari ni berakhir dengan Siti Nadia. Nak tau kenapa? Sama-sama kita lihat:

Apalah yang digikirkan oleh Ling-Ling, Yna, Farra, Zu n Hafis tu? Masing-masing muka macam tengah byk masalah.

Boria ke? Sama je warna baju.

Kalau kelas dah habis memang syok la bersembang Siti ngan Aman ni.

Ni la kisahnya. Siti Nadia ni lepas je habis kelas terus promote minyak wangi yang dia jual. Semangat tu.

Ling-Ling ngan Yna ni apa lagi, berminat tu. First customer.

Ni la rupanya minyak yang dijual Siti Nadia. RM40 je. Macam-macam jenis ada.Untuk lelaki pun ada katanya.

Next customer! Punyala minat Aman tu, sampai dekat camtu dia tengok minyak wangi. Ish2. Zu, Farra ngan Hafis join jugak. Hafis tengah pikir tu nak beli ke tak.

Sampai ke belakang Siti Nadia promote minyak wangi tu. Rajin2.

Agus yang kepanasan.

Time go home! Laju je Yna kemas beg nak balik.

Akhirnya sunyi jugak kelas semua dah balik.


Pathophysiology of Genitourinary System

  1. Title: Secondary glomerulonephritis (SLE, Diabetes mellitus, Amyloidosis, Goodpasture syndrome, Polyarteritis nodosa, Wengener granulomatosis, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, Bacterial endocarditis and Hereditary disorders).
  2. Contents: Introduction, clinical manifestation, pathology and causes.
  3. Due date: 12 December 2008.
  4. Page: Can't be less than 10 pages overall, each topic 1-2 pages.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hari bermula dengan kelas patho. respi system yang diajar oleh Dr. Karim pada pukul 9 pagi hingga 1 tengahari di Anatomy Lab. Dr. Karim seperti biasa penuh dengan informasi dan penekanan dalam histologi. Pada petangnya pula, budak-budak group C ni ke kelas genetic disorder di ANNEX 11A(2). Sebelum bermulanya kelas, Dr. Redhwan menunaikan janjinya untuk mengadakan kuiz lisan. Masing-masing yang mana tak bersedia lagi tu mulalah menyorokkan diri. Yang bernasib baik kena soal adala 10 orang. Macam biasa kelas crowded bila 4 group bergabung dalam kelas yang kecik tu. Masing-masing mulalah berpeluh-peluh dan tak dapat ambil perhatian. Tapi nasib memang baik, kelas habis tak sampai sejam. Ni gambar-gambar gelagat group C masa dan selepas kelas:

Tengokla hafis tu sempat baca novel lagi (dia kata buku Nizam). Dr. Karim kat sebelah je tu.

Tengokla masing-masing sibuk bersembang. Awi, ngumpat ke tu?

Sempat lagi posing korang ni. Yela hati senang lepas makan.

Nizam ni pun tengah minum sempat posing lagi. Straw tak lepas dari mulut lagi tu. Rajinnya Saiful stady waktu lunch ni (betul ke tu?).

Masing-masing sibuk membaca untuk kuiz genetic disorder. Depan kedai orang pun jadi eh. Janji tak kena halau. Tapi Zu tu stady lain ni.

Memang crowded kelas genetic ni. Tengokla tu ade yang tak senang duduk. Siap berkipas lagi. Dahla kelas belum start lagi.

Betapa panasnya bilik ni. Tengokla teriknya matahari sampai ke dalam.

Saiful malu-malu pun sempat bagi isyarat lagi. Yang helmi ni serius je. Sabar helmi, tau pnas tu.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Hari ni adalah kelas pertama patho. nervous system. Subject ni diajar oleh Dr. Hameed. Bagi sesiapa yang masih tak tahu lagi, Dr. Hameed ni ialah suami Dr. Fatima. Klas yang sepatutnya berada di ANNEX 3A telah sekali lagi ditukarkan ke ANNEX 11A(2) disebabkan ketiadaan elektrik lagi. Klas start pukul 9 pagi straight sampai pukul 2.30 petang, memang memenatkan. Dahla kelas panas xcukup aircond, sampai Dr. Hameed pun berpeluh-beluh mengajar. Di sini ada beberapa gelagat sewaktu dan selepas klas:

Ni Dr. Hameed belum masuk lagi. Hafis dan Farah tu control macho ngan ayu la tu.

Ni la Dr. Hameed. Dia sampai terus je settingkan notebook dia untuk lecture presentation.

Dr. Hameed masih boleh bergurau dan senyum waktu mengajar walaupun badan dia berpeluh-peluh kepanasan.

Ni pulak lepas habis klas. Agus tengah sibuk transferkan lecture note dari notebook Dr. Hameed.

Masing-masing da kemas barang tak sabar nak balik. Tapi tengokla si Ling-Ling tu, sempat lagi makan kacang. Besar nganga tu Ling. Tutup skit.

Zu, Awi, Alif ngan Faizul ni sempat lagi posing sebelum balik. Yang pasti Alif memang suka betul interframe.

Aik Ling-Ling, tak habis menguyap lagi ke? Penuh tangan tu.

Friday, November 28, 2008


Seluruh pelajar-pelajar BMS MSU group C mendoakan Head Of Department, Associates Professor Dr. Yasmin agar selamat pergi menunaikan haji di Mekah pada 30hb Disember 2008 (Ahad) ini. Semoga perjalanan hajinya disana dipermudahkan serta mendapat haji yang mabrur dan selamat balik ke tanah air.


Genetic Disorder

  • Tittle 1: Isolation of DNA & RNA (Due date: 5 December 2008)
  • Tittle 2: Electrophoresis - Defination, Principal, Diagnostic
  • Presentation title: Pharma Genome (Due date: Before midterm)

Pathophysiology of Haemapoietic & Lymphatic System

  • Title 1: Haematological Tests - Group assignments (each group will deal with one of the following tests)
  • Title 2: Common Blood Disorders - Group assignment (each group will deal with one of common blood disorders and prepare also for presentation)
  • Presentation (Due date: Before midterm):

GROUP 1 : Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)

Mohd Hafis Zul Arif
Faridah Hanum Bt Ariffin
Zuliana Mohd Ton
Siti Nuramanina
Tan Ling Ling
Mohd Nizamuddin

Group 2 : ABO Grouping and Rh Blood Grouping

K. Therasena
D. Thulasi
S. Vikneswaran
S. Sasikalaa Devi
K Puspawathy
Saiful Arif

GROUP 3 : Full Blood Count (FBC) and Blood Film

Eni Elina
Siti Nadia
Nur Syarina
Siti Eliyani
Azeti Aida

Communicable Diseases

  • Title 1: Vectors which transmitted some communicable diseases and their geographical distribution in Malaysia (Due date: 5 December 2008)


Inilah kelas yang pertama patho haema & lymphoid system. Kerana ketiadaan Dr. Thana'a selama sebulan, AP Dr. Karim telah menggantikannnya untuk sementara. Kelas yang pertama ni bergabung dengan group A, B dan D, tapi kelas kejap je. Macam biasa Dr. Karim tetap dengan lawaknya. Ni je beberapa gambar yang sempat dirakam semasa kelas:

Apala yang ditenung si Liza group A ni. Apsal semua macam tak tumpu je. Dr. Karim kat depan tu (pakai baju biru). Ni mesti da abis claz. Tengokla claz betapa crowdednya. Sepatutnya kelas lebih besar skit kat ANNEX 39, tapi sebab MSU tak bayar sewa agaknya, kelas tu xde letrik (pakcik guard cakap). Terpaksala pindah ANNEX 11A(1).

Gambar ni kurang jelas sikit. Tapi yang pasti kelibat Helmi ngan Alif tengah interframe memang kelihatan (tengok betul-betul). Klaz crowded sampai ujung tu. Sempit menyempit.
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