To my fellow blogger,
Feel free to copy this picture and post it in your blog, your Friendster, myspace or any webspace you own. You can email this article or pictures to your friends and ask them to do the same. It’s all on a tip of your finger. So decide whether you want to sit down and see and hope or do something about it. At least email it to one of your friend or post in on public forum you know.
Ask other blogger to do the same thing too. Let’s start this silent virus to teach these companies some lesson for sponsoring the Israeli military troops to continue their violence, oppression and arrogance occupation on the land they don’t belong. They may have all the money to pay for the oppression but we got the power to make them stop.
Not only limited to Muslim, all of you who are against violence please spread the words and let’s make the campaign something fruitful.
Let us not stop here and let keep this campaign on. Let the spirit May Allah blessing be with you. To learn more, please visit this website http://www.inminds.com/boycott-israel.html.
Remember Palestin! Remember Al-Aqsa!
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